Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can You See Her?

Kate & Anna are in Cleveland getting settled into life in Shaker Heights - searching for a preschool, meeting the kids across the street, etc. I'm still in Virgina - I'll head north Memorial Day Weekend.

Here's the latest:
Kate saw the doctor on Thursday and, despite everything, things are looking good. Other than the giant omphalocele Ingrid appears to be developing normally - her spine and brain are fine. Her small ventricular septum defect (VSD) most likely won't need surgery. Her heart has not fallen through the hole in her diaphragm and, despite the hole, she is able to create negative pressure in her lungs. She's practicing her breathing already!

The tentative delivery date is June 8!


  1. yaay Ingrid and go Mike the mad blogger! Thanks for keeping us up to date. She's a cutie!

  2. WOW! What a fighter! Thanks for updating us on her and your progress.

  3. Can't wait to meet her! Praying for you guys.

  4. June 8th?!?! My birthday is next weekend...May 22nd would be SUCH a great birthday for Ingrid ;)

  5. She is beautiful! Sounds like she has the best doctors consulting on her case. My continuing prayers for all of you in Cleveland!
