Monday, June 28, 2010

Up and Up

We spent another fine day with Ingrid. Another routine day!

Ingrid's doctors decided to up her breastmilk intake to 12mL today. I think it was a good sign that they did not spend very long in her room during rounds today. Her only real issue is feeding.

We still have a long way to go and she will likely need another 24 hours at 12mL before we increase her feeds again. As Ingrid's nurse pointed out 8 to 12 is a 50% increase!

Ingrid's omphalocele is changing noticeably - it is firmer and appears to be scabbing over. We only use one 5 by 9 piece of Xeroform these days.


  1. She's just a little peanut and I adore her. And she has a little tuft of hair....sigh. Praying!

  2. Today is 3 weeks!! Yaay Ingrid!
