6/8/10 1:30 pm 6lbs 7oz
The sweetest sound I heard today was Ingrid's cry as soon as she left her mommy's tummy.
Her lungs and heart are working great! Much to our relief.
And, yes, she is beautiful!!! Hard to tell hair color but she has some. Note the chubby cheeks and the gorgeous hands and fingernails. We spent a half-hour stroking her fuzzy shoulders and trying to figure out who she looks like.
Of course there were a few surprises: Although her heart is fine, there may be a problem with one of her arteries - it may not be able to pump enough blood to supply her abdomen and lower extremities. We will know if she will need surgery to fix this problem in a few days. Also, she may have a problem with the tail end of her digestive system. Again, we'll know more in a few days.
Her omphalocele is that mass of gauze between her arm and her leg. She needs to grow some skin (and muscle?) before the doctors will close her up. And, yes, we will know more in a few days.
Ingrid was born at 1:30 pm but it wasn't until 8:30 pm that Mommy and Daddy were able to visit her in the NICU. It was a long day of waiting with more waiting to come.
Kate is doing well, although I'm afraid she won't get much rest tonight. She wants to visit Ingrid again and get started on pumping that breast milk.
Thanks to everyone who sent us good thoughts and prayers! Ingrid still needs a lot of them!