Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back to the NICU

Ingrid had to go back on the ventilator at about 1:30 this morning. She was not comfortable so she was given some pain medicine which caused her to slow down or stop breathing (as she has done a few times now.) Once she was re-intubated she was able to rest more easily because she could have pain medication.

It looks ugly, but it is only temporary and only for pain management. Her lungs work well - in fact the ventilator is set for 25 breaths per minute but Ingrid is breathing twice that.

After an overnight rest at home Mom & Dad were back for a peaceful morning with Ingrid. We met Ingrid's primary nurse, Tracie. The plan is for Mom & Dad to take over as much of Ingrid's care as we can so that we can get her out of the NICU and home as soon as possible. The second picture shows Kate and Tracy changing Ingrid's diaper.

Dr. Barksdale, Ingrid's pediatric surgeon in charge of fixing her omphalocele, showed us how to change the dressing on her O. He said that Kate will do it tomorrow and she will teach him how to do it on Monday. Then I guess it's Daddy's turn! We will have to learn how to do this because Ingrid will go home for a long time (months) before she has surgery to close up her O.

Dad left at noon to be with Anna and Mom stayed so she witnessed another respiratory crisis. This time, though, it was more of a mechanical failure - mucus blocking the tube - than drug induced. Kate said there were about 10 doctors and nurses in the room working to resuscitate and stabilize Ingrid. As more time passes Ingrid should need less pain medication and will not need the ventilator so these episodes should end. No more, please!

Crises aside weekends are more peaceful at the hospital and we are all falling into a workable routine.


  1. We are praying mightily on Ingrid's behalf. What a brave little baby.

  2. I am so glad Anna got to meet her. So excited she will be able to get out of the hospital so soon and so thankful that Mikes parent's happen to live nearby. God is so cool! love , Aunt Melissa
