It was bittersweet and a little scary to leave the familiar surroundings of the Raindrop pod for the next chapter in our journey. We have nothing but praise and thanks for all our wonderful nurses and staff in the NICU!

It is a little scary moving to a new room and a new unit. Everybody has a lot to learn. Ingrid's big job is still working on feeding and gaining weight. She is up to 32mL per feeding today, but she still is having trouble doing it all herself. The move to R4 makes us even more eager to bring her home but we know that Ingrid will need some time to learn how to eat all she needs.

WAY TO GO INGRID! Seamus and Greenlee are so excited about Anna having a brand new baby sister! We are so happy to hear that things are moving right along and cant wait for Ingrid to be home! Lots of love, we think of you often. Laura