Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy R4th of July!

Ingrid is now up to 50mL per feed – a full feed for her! She still isn’t able to do all that herself, but she ravenously attacked her 9am feed this morning and got about 14mL.

Her weight isn’t increasing like we want it to yet, but she is totally off her TPN so Mama’s milk should help fatten her up! She still has her PICC line in (the deep IV in her left leg) but only until pediatric surgery says we can take it out (hopefully tomorrow).

Have a safe and happy Independence Day!


  1. Dear Mike and girls, So glad to see things moving in such a positive direction for Ingrid. She is just as beautiful as her sister and mother. You are all in my prayers. A big change of you have someone cutting your grass? We can form a posse to do it if you don't have it taken care of. Hope you get to see fireworks out of your window tonight! Always, Eileen Smith
